Monday, September 20, 2010


We didn't tell many people because we thought we might have to start all over again this time too, but we didn't.  We arrived at home with Lenwood yesterday - Sunday, September 19th about 1:30 pm after 63 days in the NICU.  The boys went with us to pick him up and were so thrilled to meet him.    Now their bickering isn't over's over who gets to hold or help with their brother!  :)  We are all so thrilled to have him home.  I still feel like I'm dreaming!

I'll continue to post some updates as we visit with different specialists over the next few weeks.  Thank you for all of your prayers.  I know they helped get us to our happy homecoming!    God is great!

Love and blessings to you all!
Our traditional coming home pic.  I have one like this when Conrad and Teague came home too.  Will post those later.

Waiting on the car
Everyone in the car!!!!!

Snoozing in the bassinet that's been in Mommy's family for 4 generations.
Conrad holding Lenwood for the first time.  He was so gentle and wanted to kiss him on his forehead, nose and cheeks!  :) 
Teague holding Lenwood for the first time!  He was pretty gentle too.  ;)

Daddy and Lenwood!
Snuggle time with Mommy!

So happy to finally have all of my boys right where they need to home with me!  Thanks you for all of your love and prayers!  Praise God from whom all blessings flow!  We have definitely received our share!


  1. Oh my goodness! I'm sitting at my desk crying tears of joy!!! I'm SO happy for your family! GO LENWOOD GO!!!

  2. That is such good news! The boys look so protective of their little brother.
