Thursday, July 29, 2010

Day Seven - July 24th

32 weeks 4 days
Grandparents Day!!!!Gran, Poppy, Gee, and Papa met Lenwood for the first time today.  They all, of course, thought he was beautiful just like us!  He's doing well on his c-pap, but his chest x-ray was a little hazy this morning so they increased his pressure a little.  The doctors like clear x-rays.  Haziness isn't good.  His belly is a little bigger today (28cm).  His scrotum is also very swollen and has been since birth.  It seems to get a little better each day.  He also has two lights on him for jaundice so he wears a mask to protect his eyes.  This evening the nurses turned his lights off for a few minutes so we could take his mask off and see his face.  She took of the c-pap and laid a mask blowing a high concentration of oxygen at his face.  It was so wonderful to see his beautiful face.  I was able to change his diaper and take his temperature for the first time tonight!

Seeing his beautiful face when they took off the mask and c-pap for a bit

Holding Gran's pinkie

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