Friday, August 6, 2010

Day 20 - August 6th

34 weeks 2 days
Lenwood had a big weight gain.  He's 4 lbs 1.4 oz.  He gained 65 grams.  Some of it might be from the transfusion so if it's down a little tomorrow that's why.
I was able to see Lenwood get his bottle today.  He was taking it when I arrived.  He was actually awake today.  The nurse charted him as fair.  He did ok, but doesn't quite have the hang of it yet.
They are increasing his feedings 1cc every feeding until he reaches 26cc.  He was getting 23 cc yesterday.  He is getting enough milk now that he'll no longer be receiving lipids through his IV pic line.  Lipids are basically fat.  The nurses jokingly say, "Time for your fried chicken." 
Lenwood is still having the occasion brady (heart rate drop) and d-stat (oxygen drop).  I was hoping the transfusion would take care of that, but maybe a little more time is what he needs.
Overall he is doing wonderfully.  I am so proud of him and grateful for the answered prayers.


  1. I am so glad that he is moving in the right direction. What a strong little man. I think of you all daily. We will all keep praying and look forward to hearing how great Lenwood is moving forward!!!

  2. I am so grateful he is doing so well! I love all of his hair.
