Monday, August 16, 2010

Day 28 - August 14th

35 weeks 4 days
Weight - 4 lbs 6.6 oz - down 20 grams

When I called this morning, Lenwood's nurse told me that he had an eventful night.  He was having bradys (heart rate drops) and d-sats (oxygen drops) during his feeding.  They think he's just having to work too hard and have gone back to bottles at every other feeding.
When I arrived, I talked with the practitioner.  They think that we just pushed him too hard, but if he keeps having bradys and d-sats they'll do a blood culture to check for infection.

I fed him a bottle at 12:40 and he had several d-sats and one brady.

This evening as I was holding him he kept dropping his oxygen.  Typically it drops and comes back up, but it would drop and stay down.  He had 9 bradys today.  Typically he has one or two a day or every other day.  This is out of character.  I expressed my concern and after his continuous oxygen drops, the practitioner agreed to do the blood culture.  I watched them draw blood from his hand and his heel.  He let out one tiny, short whimper.  That's not like him.  Something is going on.

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