Monday, August 16, 2010

Day 29 - August 15th


So, I guess I do have a decent mother's intuition.  It appears that Lenwood has a slight left shift in his white blood cells.  This means he has a slight infection.  They are starting him on two antibiotics for three days.  Poor guy...They tried both hands and both feet and couldn't get the IV started so he has one in his head.   They say it's the best place for one, but it looks so awful.

If his blood cultures grow something, then they can identify the infection and treat it with a specific antibiotic, but they are starting with these broad spectrum antibiotics in the meantime.  He's had 6 bradys today, but does look a tad better than last night.

Also, his chromosome study is back and everything is NORMAL!  Great news!

1 comment:

  1. i know the head iv looks awful, but it was always the best place when i was a peds nurse. it is less irritating to them to, bc it restricts their movement less and they last longer so, less resticks. hopefully, though, it will be out very soon. he's really doing pretty well! april
