35 weeks 6 days
Weight 4 lb 9.5 oz
Only two bradys so far today. Looking better and acting better. They will look at his white count again tomorrow and if everything looks good tomorrow will be his last day on antibiotics. So far his cultures haven't grown anything for them to identify. I'll be SO glad when he gets this IV out of his head.
I've had several snuggle times today and given him his bottle twice. He's done well with both feedings.
I am hopeful that once he gets over this infection we can begin trotting along down the road to discharge again. Since discovering the infection, the practitioner and nurses think that his temperature drop in the crib and his trouble with bottles was due to the infection. Tiny babies tend to have a drop in temp when sick instead of a rise. As for the bottles, his body was working so hard to fight off the infection that it didn't have enough energy left to work to drink his milk every three hours. Hopefully that means when he's well, this won't be such hard work. The nurses have given him bottles at almost all feeding today. he's been awake ad fussing for his food and the bottle seemed to appease him more at each feeding so that's what they did.
I was able to give him a bath tonight. That was fun. It's not really a bath. I basically wash him with a washcloth as he lays on the scale. After his bath I fed him and held him for a while. It was really nice.
His weight is up at bath time tonight to 4 lb 9.5 ounces. Can't believe he'll be 36 weeks tomorrow.
Love you Lenwood....Beth